Friday 22 January 2016

Fantastico Tips for keeping your baby's soft skin safe

Are you an expecting mother or already mother of a newborn? Here are top 5 tips to keep your baby's soft skin safe based on my own experience. Who doesn't like to pinch the baby's soft skin gently? Yes, you need to be very careful while giving your baby to others. Can no one resist from giving a gentle pinch or a kiss on your baby's soft cheeks?

Fantastico tips to keep your baby's soft skin safe:

1. Keep the baby's skin well moisturized:

Keeping the baby's skin well moisturized is quite essential when it comes to skin care. You do not need to spend your hard earned money on buying special moisturizing lotions for applying on your baby's skin. A simple high-quality coconut oil can do the trick quite easily. Virgin coconut oil is highly recommended.

2. Keep the baby's skin always clean:

Give them a warm bath every day without fail. Of course, you cannot do it when they are not feeling well or the climate is so chill. Still you can give them a warm sponge bath to keep the baby's skin clean. Cleaning is required to remove the dirt from their skin. If they are not removed properly, they will get a lot of skin problems.

3. Use soft diapers:

Always use soft diapers from trusted brands. Do not compromise the quality of diapers for money. Otherwise, you will end up being the reason for skin allergies and rashes on your baby's skin.

4. Use gentle baby wipes:

Never use rough cloth on your baby's skin. Buy baby wipes to give soft and comfortable feeling when you wipe the babies. I have seen some people using newspapers to wipe the baby's skin. Please stop doing it if you really care your baby.

5. Protect them from the sun:

Babies really need sun rays to take Vitamin D. But do not overdo it. It is not good for baby's skin. Always take an umbrella to protect their skin when you go out especially between 9 to 5 PM to protect them from harmful UV rays.

This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.

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